The calling of the wild nature

The main character of the story is Buck, a dog living a carefree life in his owner’s estate. Content with his lifestyle, Buck is suddenly transferred up to the snowy North where he is forced to work endlessly by dragging heavy loads with a sleigh.
Life becomes unbearable; however, it is his natural instincts that makes him stronger and allows him to become the leader of the dog pack.
In the forest he feels nature calling as he encounters a wild wolf pack - his ancestors - and decides to join the predators of the forest.
Through his journey, Buck will discover his true nature as he is challenged every step of the way, but it the tough environment that tests his will and ultimately, molds him into a stronger and more self-aware character.
Buck’s adventures are reimagined in the school hallways. The play is meant for students, performing for them a classical masterpiece of worldwide literature while giving them the opportunity to witness a contemporary theatre production.
Movement: Vitoria Kotsalou
Sets & Costumes: Elisavet Adapasi
Assistant director: Marianthi Grammatikou
Production: Stegi Onassis Foundation
Production Executive: Konstantina Georgiou
Production Assistant: Tzela Christopoulou