Multiverso #2 is a theater event created by and for this time, inviting the audience into a Zoom room to watch and interact with the live performers.
Eight immigrant and refugee artists from disparate geographic locations, with no single shared language, find a way to blend their stories, visual art, and music into a hybrid live event that reflects common struggles, common journeys, and a desire to make art in a new life. Led by Mind the fact, Station Athens Group, Polyplanity Productions in Greece, and The Trojan Women Project of La MaMa Theater in New York City, Multiverso uses technology to bring together in one cyber space a group of individuals who might never have the opportunity to stand face to face.Multiverso #1 was first presented on December 20, 2020 as part of the Mind the fact Festival in Athens, Greece. Now in its second incarnation, Multiverso #2 expands the stories of these artists, and invites the audience to meet them, share unique interpretations of the immigrant experience and engage in an interactive exchange with them.
Video Art: Erato Tzavara
Tijuana Consultant:Adam Parker
Photography: Rosie Hin
Ramzan Mohammad - Pakistan/Greece, Winston MG - Venezuela/Tijuana, Bel Atis Pitir Seye - Haiti/Tijuana