Theater Productions


Polyplanity Productions-CONTRA EL PROGRES
DIRECTED BY: Yolanda Markopoulou, Lilly Meleme, Dimitris Bitos, Aris Troupakis
26/4 - 1/6/2010
Polyplanity Productions-CONTRA EL PROGRES

Four directors and ten actors show the audience around the rooms of SYNERGY-O, where they unveil Esteve Soler’s surrealist universe of CONTRA EL PROGRÉS. A 12-month marriage contract comes to an end in 5 minutes; a gigantic apple is set on the table; a little boy takes part in Little Red Riding Hood’s fairytale; an African child steps out of the TV; a wounded man is waiting for the ambulance in vain; and a seal confesses her secrets. Six stories, six killing jokes, six small surrealist portraits of our everyday life, release a flow of laughter that freezes as soon as it is met with an inevitable question: does the contemporary concept of progress really exist?

Author: Esteva Soler
Translation: Maria Hadjiemmanouil, Dimitris Psarras
Directed by: Yolanda Markopoulou, Lilly Meleme, Dimitris Bitos, Aris Troupakis
Set Design-Costumes: Alexandra Siafkou, Aristotle Karananos, Thodoris Chrysikos
Lighting design: Electra Perseli
Movement Direction: Monica Kolokotroni

Cast: Maria Aeginitou, Nikolas Anastasopoulos, Dragon Peace, Anna Koutsaftikis, Lilly Meleme, Iota Militsis, Leonard Batis, Dimitris Mylonas, Anastasia Stathopoulou, Dimitris Troumpoukis, Spyros Tsekouras, Wanjiru Steven
Production Department: Angela Kyriakou
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